
My Daily Hair Care Routine

Right, so many of you have been intrigued as to what my daily hair care routine actually entails, so here I shall reveal all and let you in on a few secrets along the way. 

It should be noted that I am in my early thirties and have been suffering from male pattern baldness since I was in my mid twenties. I've already posted an article on here about all the treatments I have tried for my hair loss, so take a look at that if you're keen to know more about this aspect of things.  

Ok, so as far as my daily hair care routine goes, I pretty much base it on trying to battle my hair loss and hair thinning issues. This has always been my main objective since I started losing my hair six or seven years ago. 

My hair care routine starts from the moment I wake up. I wash my hair every other day, using a mix of two shampoos that I have found to be really effective in making my hair look thicker and helping me to avoid hair fall. 

I use Moroccan Argan Oil Shampoo for its renewing and strengthening properties. This shampoo is great because, with its gunky texture, it really does add thickness to my hair. They also do a conditioner, but I don't use it because conditioners tend to leave hair looking fine, which is not what I desire. You can purchase this shampoo for around £5.

The other shampoo I use, and have used for quite some time now, is Head & Shoulders Hair Endurance for Men. This shampoo has worked extremely well for my hair in giving it volume and stopping hair fall. 

Bear in mind, I do not use both shampoos at the same time. I alternate then every 48 hours. So, for example, I'll use Argan Oil Shampoo on a Monday morning and then I'll use Head & Shoulders on the Wednesday morning. There isn't a particular reason for this except the fact that it works for my hair. 

Ok, sop after I shower, I sometimes (2-3 times a week) apply a small amount of Alpecin Liquid. Now, this isn't a shampoo as such, but more like a serum which you drop into your hair and leave in throughout the day. 

I'm not sure how effective Alpecin Liquid has been in the way of hair loss, but I do like using it because it's affordable and it is a nice feeling to know you're taking necessary steps to avoid balding. 

I always use a hairdryer to dry my hair. Blowdrying your hair gives it more volume, especially if you add product to your hair while it's still wet before drying. The hair is also easier to style and mould after blowdrying. 

You may have come across a few rumours about blowdrying causing baldness - well, this is complete myth. There has been no evidence to suggest blowdrying causes hair loss in men or women.  

My evening routine is pretty simple, really. To give my hair the right vitamins it needs, I pop a couple of HR23+ hair growth tablets at night - I take them at night because I have this theory they'll digest better throughout the time I am sleeping. 

I have found these pills to be extremely successful in preventing my hair loss. My hair loss was far less frequent after I started taking HR23+ tablets. They've also helped my hair get thicker and stronger. 

HR23+ also does a hair growth serum, of which I have reviewed on this blog, but I only use that about once a month, as I don't want to be using too many hair products on a daily basis. Sometimes using too much can harm to your hair. 

Finally, I like to use a good hair thickening spray. Hair thickening sprays don't combat hair loss as such, but they do make your hair look much thicker.

I usually use a hair thickening spray on the days I don't wash my hair, or after styling my hair with product. I find this type of product gives my hair a good lift, giving my confidence throughout the day.

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