
FollicleFuel male hair supplement review

Ok, so I've been seeing a lot of spammy ads popping up lately, promoting this hair supplement for men, FollicleFuel.  I had heard of this product before, but I never really looked into it, so this time I decided to check it out properly. 

FollicleFuel is basically a multi-vitamin supplement that claims it can help reverse the effects of male pattern baldness.  Its ingredients are: Marine Collagen, MSM, Silica, Vitamin C, Hydraulic Acid, Vitamin E, Zinc, Copper, Biotin, Iodine. 

Now, I have never claimed to be an expert in the field of hair loss, but let me tell you, I am more qualified to speak on the subject that most people. I have literally spent years researching all types of ingredients and hair loss treatments. 

FollicleFuel does appear to contain some very good hair ingredients. In fact, you will find most of its ingredients in many of the top multi-vitamin hair supplements on the market. The problem is, there doesn't seem to be enough ingredients. 

You may be wondering why I hadn't checked out FollicleFuel before, right? Well, there are a few red flags about this product that stopped me from taking it too seriously. 

Firstly, it's rather generic. The branding and its container is something you see everywhere. Now, the reason you should probably steer clear of generic looking supplements i because they are most likely to be white label products. 

That's not to say this product is bad.  In fact, it's pretty good in areas, but it would be ludicrous to suggest it could in any way stop hair loss and reverse male baldness.

What to expect from taking FollicleFuel

Obviously I haven't tried this supplement, but the Marine Collagen aside, I actually consume all of its ingredients on a daily basis through the multi-vitamin hair supplement that I already take, HR23+. So, I do have a relativity clear idea of how effective FollicleFuel would be. 

From looking at the ingredients alone, I would not expect much in the way of improvements to the hair. This formula just doesn't have enough depth in its additives to impact the hair. 

The claims FollicleFuel make on their website are absurd.  To clam this supplement has reversed male pattern baldness is completely nonsense.  There is nothing revolutionary about this formula, and certainly nothing in it to even suggest it can prevent baldness in any way shape or form. 

At best, you might notice a little less shedding, but it lacks certain ingredients that you would find in far more developed multi-vitamin hair supplements, like HR23+ and Viviscal

If you're serious about combating baldness, then I would advise you to avoid products like FollicleFuel, and instead invest a little more of your money on the more developed formulas out there.  The best hair supplements cost more for a reason.


HR23+ new hair formula update/review

Is the new HR23+ hair growth supplement better?

Ok, so way back in October, I received my first purchase of the new HR23+ hair growth supplement, and as promised, I said I'd give you an update after three months...

As many of you will already know, I have been using HR23+ for quite some time now.  Actually, it's been about four years.  I've always stood by this supplement because it has always worked really well for my hair. It works better than any other hair loss treatment I have tried. 

What is HR23+?

Now, for those of you who aren't aware of HR23+, it's basically a specialist multi-macro supplement that is designed to help prevent hair loss in men and women who, like myself, suffer from early stages of baldness and thinning hair.  It can also help promote healthy hair growth. 

HR23+ is not a cure for baldness, but it's probably the next best thing. It is made from non-medical ingredients, and is safe to take, which means it's a great alternative to the medications and drugs. You won't ever need to compromise on your health with this product. 

Like I said, HR23+ has worked amazingly well for me over the years, and I have been so pleased with the results. I suffered from early stages of male pattern baldness as I was approaching my mid twenties, and after trying a whole host of products and treatments that didn't work, I finally settled on HR23+.  
HR23+ hair supplement
Now, HR23+ did make a few tweaks to their supplement last year. I won't lie, this was something that I was a little worried about, as you can probably imagine. Just think, for such a long time I was using a supplement that seemed to be working a treat, and then they go and make changes to it.  I was eager (and nervous) to try this 'updated' formula. 

I should note that the 'tweaks' were nothing too drastic. They were simply an update, for the most part.  In fact, the vast majority of the supplement remained the same.  There were just a few things that changed - one being, they replaced the bark with nettle leaf extract, and the other being that they replaced certain ingredients with purer forms, for more accurate dosages and healthier results.  That makes sense, I suppose. 

Does the updated HR23+ work? 

I've been taking the new pills for just over three months, and to be perfectly honest, I've not noticed any change in the actual performance of the supplement.  It still seems to have halted the shedding, and my hair still grows in thick and healthy. 

With regards to the supplement itself, well, the colour of the pill is slightly different to what it was.  The old formula had a very bright yellow coloured pill, whereas the new pill is more yellowy-beige looking. To be fair, the new pill does look more 'natural' than the old one, and it doesn't have that potent smell that the old one had.   These are both big plus points, in my book.

So, nothing major to report, really.  The main point is, this is a supplement that has gone through some minor tweaks, but the effectiveness has not been compromised, which is the most important thing.  Is it better than the old formula? Well, not outstandingly so, but I would say it is a slight improvement.

HR23+ capsules

Why I love HR23+

The thing I love about this company is that they know how to look after their customers.  It doesn't feel like they're just trying to push a sale on you. It genuinely feels like HR23+ has you best individual interest at heart, which I really respect. 

This is a company that has looked after me for a number of years now, and I am eternally grateful for that. I have been part of their customer loyalty scheme since nearly the beginning, which means I get discounts on my purchases, as well as many other benefits. 

I really do feel like this company has my back, and that we're battling hair loss together.  I don't want to make it sound like HR23+ is some sort of magic cure for baldness, but for what it is, and what it can do, it's worth the investment, because if you truly value your hair, especially at a young age, then you should fight to keep it.

*2024 update 

After a couple more tweaks and developments to the HR23+ formula since I wrote this post, I thought I'd do a quick update about it.

Since this post, HR23+ has added pumpkin seed extract and horsetail to its formula. It's also dropped vitamins A and C from the formulation, as they wanted to focus more on the DHT blocking extracts than the actual vitamins.   

I have continued to take these capsules, and if I'm totally honest, the performance of the supplement keeps improving with every tweak. I've used HR23+ for a total of eight years now, and my hair loss has completely stopped. My hair grows in thicker, and I just do not worry about baldness anymore. 

I do realise, as I approach 40, that my hair will start to thin.  There's very little one can do about hair loss that's caused by ageing, but with HR23+, at least the process is slowed down enough for me to enjoy my locks, without worrying about going bald. 

I think it's impressive that this company is always striving to improve and develop its formula. No other company does that. HR23+ doesn't rest on its laurels. This, for men, is a key reason why HR23+ is the best hair supplement on the market. 

HR23+ hair growth solutions

Where have I been?

Greetings, readers. If you're an avid reader of my blog, then you'll have noticed that I have not ben active on here for quite some time.  In fact, this is my first post of 2019. So, happy belated new year, and I hope you are all sticking to your new year's resolutions - particularly with your hair! 

I've not been updating my blog as often as I should because of a number of things. Firstly, I've been so bogged down at work, especially since the turn on the new year, that I've had little time for much else.

Also, as many of you know,  my plan is to get a vlog up and running, which I haven't had a lot of time to do.  Ideally, I want a vlog up by the end of this year, so I can continue my hair loss journey in video format.  I think a vlog (video blog) would be even more insightful and helpful to you guys, because it would allow me to show my progress better, and it would be a better platform to review hair loss treatments. 

Anyway, with all that said, I shall still be active on this blog. Obviously I won't be as active as I usually was, but you'll still see the odd post popping up from time to time - at least until the vlog goes live. 

So, I shall continue to bring you all the latest news and updates in my world of beating hair loss, and if you have any questions, then comment below, and I'll do my best to answer them.  

Oh, and please refrain  from leaving spammy links in the comments section.  They don't do you, or me, any good.  They hinder the website, therefore they will be deleted.


The newly formulated HR23+ hair supplement review

As many of you will already know, the leading hair growth supplement, HR23+, has just undergone some slight changes, resulting in a 'new and improved' formula. 

I've used HR23+ for a number of years now, and I am delighted with the product and how effective it has been for my hair. I was suffering from severe male pattern baldness in my mid/late 20s, but since taking HR23+, my hair has stopped shedding, and my strands look thicker and healthier.  I couldn't have asked for much more. 

So, will this new formula effect the way HR23+ has already worked for me? 

Firstly, let's go through the new formula and see just what exactly has changed.  In truth, it doesn't seem like a whole lot has changed. but there have been tweaks, in order to improve the supplement and its effects. 

What changes have HR23+ made to their formula? 

  • They've replaced some of their tried and trusted ingredients with purer versions.  But why have they done this?  Here's a statement I grabbed from the website: "Although our supplement has been effective in over 90% of our users, we wanted to develop it further and make it even better. There is always room for improvement, as after three successful years, we wanted to take our product to the next level. Using these purer extracts makes the supplement 'cleaner' and more effective.  What was already working, should work even better now."
  • They've added Nettle Leaf Extract. It is thought that nettle leaf can help reduce hair loss and support hair growth. Nettle leaves are rich in silica and sulfur. This helps in making hair shinier and healthier.
  • They've dropped the African Bark Extract. I am no entirely sure why this ingredient was dropped, as it worked in conjunction with Saw Palmetto, but for whatever reason, they've dropped the bark.

So, will these tweaks change the effectiveness of the supplement? 

They've assured us that the slight tweaks will improve the formula as a whole. For regular users of HR23+, like me, there should be no concerns, because it is effectively still the same formula, only with slight 'upgrades' of extracts used. 

As far as the actual pills go, they have remained the same size, and the daily dosage of four capsules is also the same as before.  I did notice that the new pills are slightly different in colour to the original batch.  The new batch of pills look more like a grainy sand colour, compared to the more artificial looking yellow colour of the original pill. 

Here's a picture I took of the old pill (left) and the new pill (right) placed next to each other. 

I have three bottles of the new capsules, and I shall start taking them as soon as my last bottle of the old batch runs out later this month.  I'm quite excited to see what results I get from the new lot, and, as always, I will be sharing my experience with you. 


Hair Growth Supplements Ranked from Worst to Best

What is the best hair growth supplement? 

I've been trying out dozens of treatments for my hair for about ten years, and I must admit, there seems to be four or five times more hair supplements on the market than there used to be. 

Multi-vitamin hair supplements are becoming increasingly popular with men and women who are trying to battle the devastating effects of losing their hair.  According to research, these types of products are now the leader within the hair loss industry. 

Why are hair supplements so popular? 

There are a number of reasons why supplements are such a ppular form of treatment for hair loss, and here's the main three:
  • Supplements are generally safe and free from nasty side-effects.
  • Supplements are easy to purchase and non-prescription.  
  • Supplements are proving to be the most effective treatment.
I've tried a lot of treatments over the years, from serums, shampoos and topical lotions, to pills and even derma-rolling devices. I'll be honest, some treatments worked better than others, but the products that have worked best for my hair always tend to be supplements. 

What's the best supplement I have tried for my hair? 

Ok, so looking back, I think I have tried around a dozen hair supplements during an eight year period. Here, I am going to rank ten of the supplements that I tried, from worst to best. 

Bear in mind, this list is from my experience only, and results do vary with each individual. What works for me might not necessarily work for you, so keep that in mind. 

I have ranked each supplement based on its effects on my hair, over a minimum period of three months (the recommended timescale).

10.  TRX2 Molecular Hair Food Supplement

Of all the supplements I have tried, I cannot remember being more excited to try one as much as I was when I discovered TRX2.  I remember seeing it advertised in an in-flight magazine, and it did look very promising, so I wanted to see for myself just how effective it could be.

That made the experience of TRX2 that much more disappointing, and after nine months of taking these pills continuously, I did not notice any positive changes in my hair.  My strands were still falling out, and I did not see any new hair growth whatsoever.  TRX2 supplement was a complete waste of time, and I'm afraid I wouldn't recommend it at all.

I would be interested to know if any of you have experienced good results from using this product.  If so then let me know in the comments section below. 

9.  Har Vokse Hair Growth Supplement

I can't remember exactly when I tried the Har Vokse supplement, but it was at least a few years ago. I remember taking it after my terrible experience with TRX2, in the hope something different might actually work. 

I used Har Vokse for about three months, if I remember correctly.  I wouldn't say it's a bad supplement, as such, but it wasn't the best I've tried, that's for sure.  I did not notice any significant improvements in my hair during the 12 week usage period, but saying that, it should also be noted that I did not notice anything negative. 

I didn't hold out a lot of hope for this supplement anyway, so I wasn't too disappointed by the lack of results. 

8.  Nutrafol Men

I remember trying Nutrafol Men for a period of three months, and I was not impressed with it at all.  This is by far the most expensive hair supplement I ever tried, setting me back around £80 per bottle, which only lasts four weeks! 

Is Nutrafol Men the worst supplement in the world? Absolutely not. But is it worth £80 a bottle? No way! 

Yes, the additives are good, I'll give it that, and it's not a bad hair supplement at all.  I would be willing to bet it probably does have some effects on users, but just not for me. 

Because of its high price, I remember I stopped taking all other treatments in order to give this supplement a fair trial.  If I am honest, aside from perhaps making my hair look slightly thicker, Nutrafol did little else to convince me of its worth. 

7.  Priorin Anti-Hair Loss Capsules

Like with most treatments I try, I like to give it a minimum trial period of three months.  I think that's a fair amount of time to try something to see if it works.  I didn't see much improvement in my hair during that period of time, which left me disappointed, like with so many other treatments I'd tried.

Priorin does contain some decent ingredients like Millet Extract,

L-cystine, and Biotin, which makes it a pretty good blend, but it didn't seem to have any significant effects on my hair. 

I wouldn't say this is a bad supplement, but it was not that effective for me personally.  Perhaps I should have given it a couple more months to see if there would have been improvements in my hair. 

6.  Foligain Hair Loss Supplement

Foligain is marketed as a supplement that blocks DHT and promotes hair growth.  I would definitely say that's far-fetched! 

Firstly, there is no supplement that can block the formation of DHT.  The only pill that comes close to blocking DHT is Finasteride, which is a medically approved prescription drug.

However, I did decide to try Foligain and I wasn't too disappointed with the results.  It's got some really good ingredients in it, but if you strip it down to its core, it's just another generic hair supplement.  You can find these sorts of £30 supplements all over the market - they're nothing revolutionary, but they can help with hair loss, even if to a minimal extent. 

5.  HairXcel Hair Growth Support

Much like Foligain, HarXcel is another one of those supplements that you can find pretty much anywhere. But just because these supplements are similar, that does not mean they are bad. In fact, they're pretty good.

HairXcel actually impressed me quite a lot during the three month trial.  The rate of hair fall had slowed down, and my hair did feel thicker and fuller.  The combination of saw palmetto and biotin has always been a key factor for me, and using this supplement made me realise just how effective that blend could be for my hair. 

I'd rate this product highly on performance, but even higher on its price - at just £30 per bottle, which is very cheap in comparison with some other multi-vitamin hair supplements on the market.  The only problem is, I don't think you can purchase this product any more.  I could be wrong, but I think it ended its line. 

4.  Procerin Herbal Supplement for Men

I have fond memories of Procerin.  I started taking it when my hair was going through a severe shedding phase, and I am pretty sure Procerin helped slow down the rate of hair fall at the time.

Procerin is what I call a 'hot and cold product'.  It had excellent benefits for my hair, but it underperformed in certain areas too. 

Procerin helped me slow down the rate hair loss dramatically, but I did not see any new hair growing in that time.  Also, I noticed great results in the first two to three months of taking Procerin, but then the effects started to dip after that period.  I am not sure why this was, but I have seen countless online reviews from men who experienced the same thing.  

Procerin is a good supplement initially, but not one for the long-term. 

3.  Viviscal Hair Growth Programme

I like Viviscal, and if I hadn't discovered a different supplement (my number 1) that worked for me, then I would probably be using Viviscal today. 

This supplement contains a good blend of hair beneficiary ingredients that should help you prevent the effects of baldness and thinning hair, without having to worry about the nasty side-effects that come with the harsher medical drugs.  Viviscal acts as a good alternative to drugs like Finasteride. 

I would certainly rank Viviscal in my top 3 hair supplements, purely on its additives and its effectiveness. This is a good supplement, and even though I only tried it for three months, it did a whole lot more for my hair than the previous seven supplements did combined.

2.  Biotin & Saw Palmetto

The major breakthrough I had with my hair was when I discovered just how effective the combination of Biotin and Saw Palmetto was for me.

More tests are needed to back the claims, but key findings from research has suggested that Biotin acts as a hair growth promoter, and Saw Palmetto acts as a hair loss preventer.

The combination of the two has helped me prevent the effects of hair loss and maintain normal, healthy hair growth. 

1.  HR23+ Hair Health Supplement

HR23+ is a potent supplement designed to prevent hair loss in men and women suffering from early stages of baldness and thinning hair.  I have been taking this supplement for nearly three years, and I couldn't be happier with it. 

I discovered this supplement shortly after its release back in 2015, and I must admit, I didn't hold out much hope for it, especially after my previous disappointments.  But I decided to give it a try anyway, as I noticed it had a very good blend of ingredients. 

I started noticing results from HR23+ almost instantly, with much less hair falling out. After around three weeks I noticed my hair getting thicker, and then a couple of months in, I saw baby hairs sprouting at my receding temples. 

As the months have gone by, I am gradually seeing more and more improvements in my hair from taking HR23+.  My hair seems to look and feel better with every passing year, and I owe it mainly to this hair supplement.  It would take a miracle sure to get me off this supplement.


Why Summer is Bad for Your Hair

Why is summer season so bad for our hair?

For those of you who live in the UK like me, you'll be aware that we're in the middle of a great big heatwave, and it's set to continue for most of the summer.  Most people are revelling in the sunshine (not something we get an awful lot of here in England), but I can't stand summer season, and here's why... 

Yes, summer is a happy time of year, especially when the sun is out and our football team is doing well in the world cup, but for all its advantages, the main fact remains - the hotter months of the year are the most damaging to our hair. 

I have long been a sufferer of seasonal shedding, and although this is a perfectly normal phase that 99% of humans go through, it still isn't ideal, especially if, like me, you are already prone to losing your hair. 

When is seasonal shedding most common?

I should clarify that seasonal hair loss is slightly different for everyone - so for example, some people suffer from severe shedding around autumn season, and others may suffer from hair fall during the spring season.

Winter tends to be the season when we are least likely to shed hair, but summer season is a bit of a mixed bag.  For me, summer is the worst season for shedding, along with autumn maybe.

How to counter seasonal shedding?

Now, don't be too concerned, because seasonal shedding isn't the end of the world for most of us. As we shed, we actually regrow new hairs as a replacement for the strands we lose.  However, if we do not regrow new strands while we are shedding, that's when the problem begins.

As many of you will already know, I counter baldness with a couple of hair products, including the hair supplement, HR23+, which has worked wonders for my hair.  Without treating the issue, goodness knows how much more hair I'd have lost over the summers in particular. 

If you are prone to summer shedding like me, then you'll only need to act if you also suffer from male pattern baldness, as I have done for the past six or seven years.  Act by treating the problem at the root of the cause. 

Based on my results, I would recommend a treatment plan of Minoxidil (twice a day), Argan Oil Shampoo (three times a week), HR23+ supplement (four capsules per day), with perhaps an extra dosage of Biotin (one tablets a day).


HR23+ hair loss treatment update (progress pics)

HR23+ progress report with before and after images - 2018. 

As many of you will know, I have been taking HR23+ hair supplement for around two and a half years now, and for the most part, I am happy with the results. 

I was losing my hair in my mid to late 20s (I am now in my mid 30s), and I have tried quite a few treatments and products in an attempt to halt the balding and get thicker hair growth.  Some treatments have worked better than others, and I would say HR23+ has been one of, if not the best product that I have tried for my thinning locks. 

Since using HR23+, I have noticed much less hair fall, to the point I am not losing any more hair at all, and I am gaining much thicker hair growth.  Now, I don't want to mislead any of you into thinking that this is some magical cure for baldness, because it's not. But, it does work to a decent extent to which I am now happier with my hair and more confident in myself. 

So, just to brief those of you who haven't followed my hair loss journey - I started taking HR23+ around two and a half years ago.  I began noticing results pretty quickly.  I was shedding far less hair after just a week or two of taking this supplement, and I even noticed a few baby hairs popping up on my temple where I had previously receded.

After about a year of slowing down my hair loss, my strands stopped falling out completely, which was a very pleasant surprise. My hair has never looked as good as it does now, since taking HR23+, and I am generally pleased with the results this product has given me.  

It doesn't quite end there - Towards the end of 2017, around October time, I started noticing my hair getting much thicker, especially around the frontal area of my head.  I have never really suffered from crownal thinning, well, not to a noticeable extent any way, but the receding hairline has been more my problem. 

So, since October time, my hair seems to have got even thicker and the front area looks like it's in a much healthier position.  Many of you have asked me to post before and after images of my hairline, and as promised, I have taken a few snaps for you to see.


Image A above was taken at the end of October 2017, when I started noticing the hair thickening up at the frontal hairline area. I pushed my hair back for you to see the extent of my receding, and the general thinning of the frontal part of my scalp. 

The next image (B) was taken at the end of February 2018, again with my hair pushed back to the same extent as it was in image A. My hair is cut slightly shorter in this image, but you can clearly see it looks fuller, and the hairline seems to have filled in somewhat. 

It should be noted that both pictures were taken in the same place in my house, and in the same light (as close as possible).  That's a pretty remarkable change, don't you think?  

I have not made any adjustments to my hair care routine.  You can see my full hair care routine here.  I do tend to shed more in the autumn season, which may be one reason why I have experienced sudden changes in my hair recently, but I will take pictures as we approach the summer, and again in the autumn, with another update on here.